Dispersing, focusing, imaging, polarizing, monochromatizing multilayer X-ray optics provided renaissance of the soft X-rays in all application fields: X-ray microscopy, spectroscopy, microlithography, astrophysics, plasma diagnostics, microanalysis, biology, lasers, etc.

Flexibility in choice of materials, period and number of periods gave scope to us for development of multilayer X-ray mirrors with high reflectivity in the whole soft X-ray range.


Moscow X-ray Optics group offers a soft X-ray multilayer coated objective for imaging in the soft X-ray region (wavelengths 10-47 nm, energy 26-124 eV). It enables to produce magnified (or demagnified) images of radiating and non-radiating objects with spatial resolution down to 0.1 micron.

The optics combines submicron spatial resolution, high throughput, large field of view and possibility to investigate the object in the soft X-rays. This unique combination of properties can be applied in microscopy and lithography experiments and is considered to be a good basis for innovation in science, technology, medicine and industry.

Possible fields of applications:

  1. investigation of a tumor in a human body and brain;
  2. oncological investigations;
  3. material sciences;
  4. a mapping of the chemical elements in the samples;
  5. fluorescence spectromicroscopy;
  6. inspection of X-ray masks, transmission gratings and zone plates;
  7. investigation of thin membranes and thin films.

The advantages of soft X-ray microscope technique: as compared with electron microscopy technique: It is not needed to deposit metal films to contrast a sample as for SEMs; A sample under investigation can be much more thicker than that required for TEMs, thus 3D analysis of samples is possible. It is feasible to study less changed, wet and even living tissues. Resonance interaction of X-rays with chemical elements make possible the study of structure of the sample, that is not available by using of any other technique. as compared with visible and UV microscopy technique: the soft X-ray microscopy gives better spatial resolution; Resonance interaction of X-rays with chemical elements make possible the study of structure of the sample, that is not available by using of any other technique.


Sliced multilayer grating (SMG) is a novel type of dispersion element which combines high diffraction efficiency and high spectral resolution. In addition, high angular dispersion of the SMG provides smalldimensions of the device. The SMG based spectrometer is insensitive to misalignment, vibrations, heat and radiation loads. The possible fields of application:

  1. Tokamak plasma diagnostics
  2. Space research, solar physics
  3. X-ray lasers.
  4. Laboratory plasma diagnostics.
  5. X-ray mirror characterization
  6. Synchrotron facility
  7. Chemical & material sciences