X-rays were discovered by W.C. Roentgen in 1896 (See "W.C. Roentgen and penitration of his rays into Russia" (in Russian)). Since then X-ray found application in Medicine; Security systems for airports, Customc etc..; nondistractive analysis in industry. X-ray occupy wide range of electromag. waves from 1000 A to 0.1 A or photon energy range 10 eV - 100 keV. Scientiphic application field of X-rays are:

  • structural analysis of inorganic and biological crystals;
  • thin film and surface study;
  • microanalysis;
  • space physics and astrophysics;
  • hot plasma diagnostics;
  • lithography for production and micromechanics;
  • microtommography and X-ray imaging.