Publications 1972-1990
List of Publications of Valery Yu. Bychenkov
1. V.Yu.Bychenkov, V.P.Silin, and V.T.Tikhonchuk, Fluctuations in a plasma in strong
high-frequency electric field. Sbornik Kratkie Soobshcheniya po Fizike FIAN, 1972,
N8, 27-32 (in Russian).
2. V.Yu.Bychenkov and V.P.Silin, A kinetic equation for a plasma in a high-frequency
field. Sov.Phys.-JETP, 1974, 40, N1, 69-74.
3. V.Yu.Bychenkov, V.V.Pustovalov, V.P.Silin, and V.T.Tikhonchuk, Nonlinear effective
collision frequency of parametrically unstable plasma with hot electrons. Pisma Zh.
Tekhn. Fiz., 1975, 1, N21, 998-1002 (in Russian).
4. V.Yu.Bychenkov, V.V.Pustovalov, V.P.Silin, and V.T.Tikhonchuk, Stabilization of
aperiodic parametric instability of a plasma by a nonlinear frequency shift. Sov. Phys.-
Lebedev Institute Reports, 1976, N2, 18-24.
5. V.Yu.Bychenkov, V.V.Pustovalov, V.P.Silin, and V.T.Tikhonchuk, Saturation of para-
metric turbulence due to a nonlinear-frequency shift. Sov. J. Plasma Phys., 1976, 2,
N3, 251-256.
6. A.I.Avrov, V.Yu.Bychenkov, O.N.Krokhin, V.V.Pustovalov, A.A.Rupasov, V.P.Silin,
G.V.Sklizkov, V.T.Tikhonchuk, and A.S.Shikanov, Laser-plasma diagnostics near onequar-
ter of the critical density. JETP Lett., 1976, 24, N5, 262-265.
7. V.Yu.Bychenkov and V.P.Silin, Production of fast electrons in parametric plasma in-
stabilities. Sov. Phys.-Tech. Phys., 1976, 21, N9, 1065-1070.
8. V.Yu.Bychenkov, V.V.Pustovalov., V.P.Silin, and V.T.Tikhonchuk, Efficiency of non-
linear mechanisms for saturation of parametric decay of electromagnetic wave into two
plasmons. Sov. J. Plasma Phys., 1976, 2, N5, 457-462.
9. V.Yu.Bychenkov, V.V.Pustovalov, V.P.Silin, and V.T.Tikhonchuk, Parametric absorp-
tion of strong electromagnetic irradiation and plasma turbulence. Pis'ma Zh. Tekhn.
Fiz., 1976, 2, N18, 847-851 (in Russian).
10. V.V.Alexandrov, V.Yu.Bychenkov, S.B.Litvin, V.V.Pustovalov, V.P.Silin, and V.T.
Tikhonchuk, Fast particles in magnetized plasma under influence of strong irradiation.
Pis'ma Zh. Tekn. Fiz., 1976, 2, N19, 868-872 (in Russian).
11. V.V.Alexandrov, V.Yu.Bychenkov, G.L.Stenchikov, and V.T.Tikhonchuk, Decay mech-
anism for the saturation of parametric instability. Sov. Phys.-Lebedev Institute Re-
ports, 1976, N11, 11-16.
12. V.Yu.Bychenkov, V.V.Pustovalov, V.P.Silin, and V.T.Tikhonchuk, Stationary Lang-
muir turbulence of a plasma. Sov. Phys.-Lebedev Institute Reports, 1976, N12, 33-35.
13. A.I.Avrov, V.Yu.Bychenkov, O.N.Krokhin, V.V.Pustovalov, A.A.Rupasov, V.P.Silin,
G.V.Sklizkov, V.T.Tikhonchuk, and A.S.Shikanov. Generation of the 3/2ω harmonic
of the neodymium-laser radiation during the heating of spherical targets. Sov.Phys.-
JETP, 1977, 45, N3, 507-514.
14. V.Yu.Bychenkov, V.P.Silin, and V.T.Tikhonchuk, Parametric absorption of laser radi-
ation in a nonisothermal plasma. JETP Lett., 1977, 26, N4, 197-199.
15. V.Yu.Bychenkov, Yu.A.Zakharenkov, O.N.Krokhin, A.A.Rupasov, V.P.Silin, G.V. Skl-
izkov, A.N.Starodub, V.T.Tikhonchuk, and A.S.Shikanov, Ultrahigh speed diagnostics
of the parameters of laser plasma corona. JETP Lett., 1977, 26, N6, 364-367.
16. V.Yu.Bychenkov, V.P.Silin, and V.T.Tikhonchuk, Generation of harmonics of the
pump wave and diagnostics of parametric turbulence. Sov. J. Plasma Phys., 1977,
3, N6, 730-735.
17. A.Sh.Abdullaev, Yu.M.Aliev, and V.Yu.Bychenkov, Self-excitation of magnetic fields
in a laser plasma. JETP Lett., 1978, 28, N8, 485-488.
18. A.Sh.Abdullaev, Yu.M.Aliev, V.Yu.Bychenkov, and V.Stefan, Magnetic instability of
laser-produced plasma and spontaneous generation of magnetic fields. Phys. Lett. A,
1979, 71, N1, 63-65.
19. Yu.M.Aliev and V.Yu.Bychenkov, Parametric generation of magnetic fields by action
of strong radiation on a plasma. Sov. Phys.-JETP, 1979, 49, N5, 805-808.
20. N.G.Basov, V.Yu.Bychenkov, O.N.Krokhin, M.V.Osipov, A.A.Rupasov, V.P.Silin, G.V.
Sklizkov, A.N.Starodub, V.T.Tikhonchuk, and A.S.Shikanov, Investigation of 2ω -
harmonic generation in a laser plasma. Sov. Phys.-JETP, 1979, 49, N6, 1059-1067.
21. N.G.Basov, V.Yu.Bychenkov, O.N.Krokhin, M.V.Osipov, A.A.Rupasov, V.P.Silin, G.V.
Sklizkov, A.N.Starodub, V.T.Tikhonchuk, and A.S.Shikanov, Second harmonic gener-
ation in a laser plasma (review). Sov. J. Quantum Electron., 1979, 9, N9, 1081-1102.
22. N.G.Basov, V.Yu.Bychenkov, N.N.Zorev, M.V.Osipov, A.A.Rupasov, V.P.Silin, G.V.
Sklizkov, A.N.Starodub, V.T.Tikhonchuk, and A.S.Shikanov, Raman scattering as a
diagnostic method for laser plasma. JETP Lett., 1979, 30, N7, 409-413.
23. V.Yu.Bychenkov, A.N.Erokhin, and V.P.Silin, Convective parametric decay instability
in a laser plasma. Sov. J. Quantum Electron., 1979, 9, N10, 1287-1293.
24. Yu.M.Aliev and V.Yu.Bychenkov, Production of spontaneous magnetic fields through
a radiation pressure effect in a laser plasma. Sov. J. Plasma Phys., 1980, 6, N1, 46-50.
25. Yu.M.Aliev, V.Yu.Bychenkov, and A.A.Frolov, The magnetic field generation mecha-
nisms in a plasma under intense electromagnetic irradiation. Preprint of P.N.Lebedev
Physical Institute, N60, 1980, 1-4.
26. N.G.Basov, V.Yu.Bychenkov, M.V.Osipov, A.A.Rupasov, V.P.Silin, A.S.Shikanov, G.V.
Sklizkov, A.N.Starodub, V.T.Tikhonchuk, and N.N.Zorev, Combination scattering as
a method for laser plasma diagnostics. Phys. Lett. A, 1980, 77, N2-3, 163-166.
27. Yu.M.Aliev, V.Yu.Bychenkov, and A.A.Frolov, Generation of a magnetic field by a test
charge in an anisotropic plasma. Sov. Phys.-Lebedev Institute Reports, 1980, N11, 27-30.
28. Yu.M.Aliev and V.Yu.Bychenkov, Excitation of quasistationary magnetic fields in a
laser plasma. Sov. J. Plasma Phys., 1981, 7, N1, 55-62.
29. Yu.M.Aliev, V.Yu.Bychenkov, and A.A.Frolov, Self magnetic field generation in a
plasma. Proc. XV Int. Conf. on Phenomena in Ionized Gases, Minsk, July 14-18,
1981, Part 1, 199-200.
30. V.Yu.Bychenkov and V.P.Silin, On the angular distribution of ion-sonic plasma tur-
bulence. Sov. Phys.-Dokl., 1981, 26, N10, 970-971.
31. V.Yu.Bychenkov and V.P.Silin, Heat transfer in a turbulent laser plasma, JETP Lett.,
1981, 34, N6, 309-311.
32. V.Yu.Bychenkov and V.P.Silin, Spectra of ion-acoustic turbulence in plasmas. Sov.
Phys.-Lebedev Institute Reports, 1981, N12, 47-51.
33. Yu.M.Aliev, V.Yu.Bychenkov, and A.A.Frolov, Generation of approximately steady
magnetic fields in a plasma with a non-Maxwellian electron distribution. Sov. J.
Plasma Phys., 1982, 8, N1, 71-75.
34. V.Yu.Bychenkov and V.P.Silin, Ion-acoustic plasma turbulence. Sov.Phys.-JETP, 1982,
55, N6, 1086-1094.
35. Yu.M.Aliev, V.Yu.Bychenkov and A.A.Frolov, Generation of static magnetic fields by
a rest charge in a plasma with an electron temperature anisotropy. Sov. J.Plasma
Phys., 1982, 8, N6, 639-641.
36. V.Yu.Bychenkov, O.M.Gradov, and V.P.Silin, Transfer anisotropy in a turbulent plasma.
Sov. Phys.-JETP, 1982, 56, N6, 1202-1205.
37. V.Yu.Bychenkov and V.P.Silin, Anomalous absorption and scattering in a turbulent
laser plasma. Sov. J. Plasma Phys., 1983, 9, N2, 165-168.
38. V.Yu.Bychenkov, A.M.Natanzon, and V.P.Silin, Anomalous absorption of radiation by
ion-acoustic fluctuations. Sov. J. Plasma Phys., 1983, 9, N3, 293-294.
39. V.Yu.Bychenkov, A.A.Zozulja, V.P.Silin and V.T.Tikhonchuk, Half-interger harmonics
generation in laser-produced plasma. Beitr. Plasma Phys., 1983, 23, N3, 331-340.
40. V.Yu.Bychenkov, A.A.Zozulja, Yu.S.Kas'yanov, A.V.Kilpio, and V.T.Tikhonchuk, Ob-
servation of the z-dependence of temperature in laser-plasma corona. Sov. Phys.-JETP,
1983, 57, N3, 544-549.
41. Yu.M.Aliev, V.Yu.Bychenkov, and A.A.Frolov, Filamentation and magnetic fields gen-
eration by charged particles beams in laser produced plasmas. Plasma Phys., 1983,
25, N8, 827-831.
42. V.Yu.Bychenkov and V.P.Silin, Amplification of the heat-transfer suppression in tur-
bulent plasma. Sov. Phys.-Lebedev Institute Reports, 1983, N2, 40-45.
43. V.Yu.Bychenkov, V.P.Silin, and S.A.Uryupin, Theory of ion-acoustic turbulence in
plasma. Sov. Phys.-Lebedev Institute Reports, 1983, N3, 26-30.
44. V.Yu.Bychenkov, M.Kalal, V.P.Silin, G.A.Chokparova and I.Shtoll, Heat transfer in
turbulent laser plasma with fast electrons. Sov. Phys.-Lebedev Institute Reports,
1983, N3, 44-49.
45. V.Yu.Bychenkov and V.P.Silin, Ion-acoustic plasma turbulence and anomalous trans-
port, Proc. of XII Czech. Seminar on Plasma Phys. and Technology, Liblice, March
21-25, 1983, IPPCZ-244, 215-233 (in Russian).
46. V.Yu.Bychenkov, V.F.Kovalev, and V.P.Silin, Anomalous ion-acoustic absorption of
electromagnetic radiation by a turbulent magnetized plasma. Sov. J. Plasma Phys.,
1983, 9, N6, 682-687.
47. V.Yu.Bychenkov, V.P.Silin, and S.A.Uryupin, Quasi-stationary electron distribution
in plasma with developed ion-acoustic turbulence and frequent collisions. Sov. Phys.-
Lebedev Institute Reports, 1983, N10, 24-28.
48. V.Yu.Bychenkov, O.M.Gradov, and V.P.Silin, Ion acoustic turbulence and transport
in a plasma in a strong electric field. Sov. J. Plasma Phys., 1984, 10, N1, 17-21.
49. V.Yu.Bychenkov, V.P.Silin, and S.A.Uryupin, Ion acoustic turbulence in a plasma in
a magnetic field. Sov. J. Plasma Phys., 1984, 10, N2, 239-245.
50. V.Yu.Bychenkov, V.P.Silin, and S.A.Uryupin, Evolution of electron distribution func-
tion in plasma with developed ion-acoustic turbulence. Sov. Phys.-Lebedev Institute
Reports, 1984, N4, 1-5.
51. V.Yu.Bychenkov, O.M.Gradov, and V.P.Silin, Transport phenomena in a turbulent
plasma. Phys. Lett. A, 1984 101, N5-6, 258-260.
52. V.Yu.Bychenkov, O.M.Gradov, and G.A.Chokparova, Generation of quasistationary
magnetic fields in a turbulent laser plasma. Sov. J. Plasma Phys., 1984, 10, N4, 430-433.
53. V.Yu.Bychenkov, V.P.Silin, and S.A.Uryupin, Electron distribution in a plasma with
well-developed ion acoustic turbulence. Sov. J. Plasma Phys., 1984, 10, N4, 434-438.
54. V.Yu.Bychenkov, V.P.Silin, and G.A.Chokparova, Anomalous nonthermal radiation
from a turbulent plasma. Sov. J. Plasma Phys., 1984, 10, N5, 629-631.
55. V.Yu.Bychenkov and O.M.Gradov, Build up of distributed spectra of ion acousic tur-
bulence of plasma. Sov. Phys.-Lebedev Institute Reports, 1985, N5, 45-49.
56. V.Yu.Bychenkov and G.A.Chokparova, Excitation of electromagnetic radiation by an
electron beam in a plasma with highly developed ion acoustic turbulence. Sov. J.
Plasma Phys., 1984, 11, N8, 554-556.
57. V.Yu.Bychenkov and O.M.Gradov, Saturation of ion-acoustic turbulence. Proc. XVII
Int. Conf. on Phenomena in Ionized Gases, Budapest, July 8-12, 1985, Contr. pap. v.1, 79-81.
58. V.Yu.Bychenkov and O.M.Gradov, Evolution of ion acoustic turbulence of a plasma.
Sov. J. Plasma Phys., 1986, 12, N3, 200-203.
59. V.Yu.Bychenkov, V.P.Silin, and G.A.Chokparova, Quasilinear theory of ion acoustic
fluctuations near the instability threshold. Sov. J. Plasma Phys., 1986, 12, N6, 367-372.
60. V.Yu.Bychenkov and V.P.Silin, Turbulent heating of a plasma by a current. Sov. J.
Plasma Phys., 1986, 12, N7, 463-467.
61. V.Yu.Bychenkov and V.P.Silin, Heat-transfer limitation as a cause of turbulence in
plasma flows. JETP Lett., 1986, 44, N1, 52-55.
62. A.Sh.Abdullaev, Yu.M.Aliev, V.Yu.Bychenkov, and A.A.Frolov, Generation of static
electric fields in a plasma under the influence of strong electromagnetic radiation.
Preprint of P.N.Lebedev Physical Institute N8, 1986, 1-12 (in Russian).
63. V.Yu.Bychenkov, V.P.Silin, and S.A.Uryupin, Dinamics of turbulent heating of a
plasma with current. Preprint of P.N.Lebedev Physical Institute N265, 1986, 1-34.
(in Russian).
64. L.M.Anosova, V.Yu.Bychenkov, and V.P.Silin, Periodic thermal structures in a turbu-
lent current discharge. Sov. J. Plasma Phys., 1987, 13, N4, 254-258.
65. V.Yu.Bychenkov and V.P.Silin, Towards a theory of instability of a turbulent plasma.
Sov. Phys.-Lebedev Institute Reports, 1987, N3, 46-50.
66. V.Yu.Bychenkov and V.P.Silin, Hydrodynamic instability of a plasma with an anoma-
lous transport caused by an ion acoustic turbulence. Sov. J. Plasma Phys., 1987, 13,
N9, 632-637.
67. N.G.Basov, V.Yu.Bychenkov, A.A.Zozulya, M.O.Koshevoi, M.V.Osipov, A.A.Rupasov,
V.P.Silin, G.V.Sklizkov, V.T.Tikhonchuk, D.V.Shanditsev, and A.S.Shikanov, Investi-
gation of generation of (3/2)w - harmonic produced by spherical laser irradiation of a
plasma. Sov. Phys.-JETP, 1987, 65, N5, 934-961.
68. V.Yu.Bychenkov, V.P.Silin, and S.A.Uryupin, Anomalous heating, transport, self-
organization and instability in the plasma with ion-acoustic turbulence. Proc. VII
Int. Conf. on Plasma Phys., Kiev, April 6-12, 1987, Wold Scientific, ed. A.G.Sitenko,
Inv. pap., v.1, 62-135.
69. A.Sh.Abdullaev, Yu.M.Aliev, V.Yu.Bychenkov, and A.A.Frolov, Stimulated magnetic
scattering of electromagnetic waves in a plasma. JETP Lett., 1987, 45, N10, 605-608.
70. V.Yu.Bychenkov, D.M.Karfidov, E.B.Kupriyanova, K.F.Sergeichev, and I.A.Sychev,
Production of fast electrons through the interaction of microwave radiation with a
current-carrying plasma. Sov. J. Plasma Phys., 1988, 14, N3, 181-185.
71. A.Sh.Abdullaev, Yu.M.Aliev, V.Yu.Bychenkov, and A.A,Frolov, Generation of qua-
sistatic magnetic fields and stimulated magnetic scattering in a plasma with frequent
collisions. Sov. Phys.-JETP, 1988, 67, N3, 507-512.
72. V.Yu.Bychenkov, M.O.Koshevoi, M.V.Osipov, A.A.Rupasov, D.V.Shanditsev, A.S.
Shikanov, V.P.Silin., G.V.Sklizkov, V.T.Tikhonchuk, and A.A.Zozulja. Investigation
of the 3=2! harmonic generation in plasma on the "Delfin -1" installation. Laser and
Particle Beams, 1988, 6 N3, 593-596.
73. V.Yu.Bychenkov, V.P.Silin, and S.A.Uryupin, Ion-acoustic turbulence and anomalous
transport. Phys. Rep., 1988, 164, N3, 119-215.
74. V.Yu.Bychenkov, V.P.Silin, and V.T.Tikhonchuk, Nonlinear selfconsistent vortex struc-
tures in the hydrodynamical model of anisotropic Vlasov plasmas. Proc. Int. Work-
shop on Nonlinear phenomena in Vlasov Plasmas, Cargese, July 11-16, Ed. F.Doveil,
Editions de Physique, Orsay, 1989, 57-86.
75. V.Yu.Bychenkov and V.P.Silin, Ion distribution during turbulent heating of a weakly
ionized plasma. Sov. J. Plasma Phys., 1989, 15, N1, 22-26.
76. V.Yu.Bychenkov and G.R.Chobonyan, Dynamic modes of a turbulent current dis-
charge. Sov. Phys.-Lebedev Institute Reports, 1989, N3, 5-8.
77. V.Yu.Bychenkov, V.P.Silin, and S.A.Uryupin, Anisotropic turbulent heating of ions.
Sov. J. Plasma Phys., 1989, 15, N3, 173-176.
78. V.Yu.Bychenkov, V.P.Silin, and V.T.Tikhonchuk, Nonlinear waves in anisotropic plasma.
Sov. J. Plasma Phys., 1989, 15, N6, 407-412.
79. V.Yu.Bychenkov, V.N.Novikov, V.P.Silin, and S.A.Uryupin, Distribution function and
velocity-space flux of electrons in plasma with ion acoustic turbulence. Sov. J. Plasma
Phys., 1989, 15, N7, 465-469.
80. V.Yu.Bychenkov, V.P.Silin, and V.T.Tikhonchuk, Singular vortex flows in plasmas
with anisotropic pressure. Phys. Lett. A, 1989, 138, N3, 127-130.
81. V.Yu.Bychenkov, V.N.Novikov, V.P.Silin, and S.A.Uryupin, Anisotropic ion heating
and evolution of the ion-acoustic turbulence spectrum of a plasma in a strong electric
field. Sov. J. Plasma Phys., 1989, 15, N12, 847-850.
82. V.Yu.Bychenkov, V.P.Silin, and V.T.Tikhonchuk, Two-dimensional vortex structures
in an anisotropic plasma. Theor. & Math. Physics, 1990, 82, N1, 11-17.
83. V.Yu.Bychenkov, V.P.Silin, and S.A.Uryupin, Basic aspects of the self-consistent the-
ory of plasma ion-acoustic turbulence. Comm. Plasma Phys. and Contr. Fus., 1990
13, N5, 239-252.
84. V.Yu.Bychenkov, V.P.Silin, and V.T.Tikhonchuk, Selfconsistent theory of the genera-
tion of vortex structures in a plasma with anisotropic pressure under the conditions of
the Weibel instability. Sov. Phys. -JETP, 1990, 71, N4, 709-714.