|  | P.N.Lebedev Physical Institute |  | Shared Facility Centre | | | | | | |
Aim |
The main aim of the Shared Facility Centre for Studies of HTS and other Strongly Correlated Materials (SFC LPI) is to provide for a wide range of scientific users access to experimental studies on the complex scientific equipment SFC, which lets you create extreme conditions of ultralow temperatures, strong magnetic fields and affect the studied materials and a structures by using high pressures and high electric fields. |
Key Objectives |
- to perform basic research in the field of strongly correlated systems, including superconductors, heavy-fermion compounds, low-dimensional systems and magnetic materials;
- to create of favorable institutional conditions for use of the unique equipment of SFC by interested users of the research institutes of the RAS, industrial research institutes and universities.
Research Directions |
Status and history of development |
SFC LPI was established 2004 as a division of the PN Lebedev Physical Institute (LPI) on the basis of three branches of LPI (7 laboratories, departments and sectors); in the same year, SFC was included in the system of the Center for collective use of RAS. In 2006 the SFC, as associate members, includes Lab of ISSP, IPCP and IRE. Currently SFC operates on the basis of 4 Institute of RAS, under the scientific management of the Scientific Council, composed of representatives from six organizations.
Principles of finance |
Funding of SFC provided from the LPI, associate members and other interested organizations, user organizations, as well as targeted funding on various projects and grants.
Potential SFC users |
SFC can use the services of scientific organizations, individual research teams or individual researchers. SFC can also perform work for any of the organizations and institutions on a contract basis. |
Application procedure |
Applications for the measurements must be submitted to the head or the Academic Secretary SFC in the prescribed form. The order of carrying out of requests is governed by the Regulation on the SFC