Akimova Irina Vasilievna

Akimova Irina Vasilievna

Building 1, Room 401
Tel: 132-66-49
e-mail: akimova@sci.lebedev.ru


Akimova I.V., born in 1945, graduated from the Moscow Power Engineering Institute in 1971 with a Degree in  "Light Engineering and Light Sources" and qualified as the “Electrical Engineer”; she is not in possession of any scientific degree or rank. She has been working at the LPI RAS from 1968 to 1976 and from 1980 up to the present time. Since 1997 Akimova I.V. has been working as a Researcher.

Akimova I.V. is a qualified expert in the field of Quantum Electronics, she participated in the development, creation and study of electron beam pumped semiconductor lasers. Since 1984 Akimova I.V. has been studying the laser hetero structures by means of electron microscopy and X-ray microanalysis in the framework of the Lab projects on injection lasers.

Akimova I.V. is a co-author of 33 scientific publications.