
2002 год.

1. I.G. Lebo, V.D. Zvorykin. Laser shock tube for the study of supersonic gas flows and the development of hydrodynamic instabilities in layered media. // International Conference 'Fluxes and structures in fluids', Moscow, June 20-22, 2001. Selected Papers, ed. Yu. D. Chashechkin and V.G. Baydulov, Institute for Problems in Mechanics of the RAS, M., 2002

2. V.D. Zvorykin, V.G. Bakaev, I.G. Lebo, G.V. Sychugov. Hydrodynamics of plasma and shock waves generated by high-power KrF-laser. // International conference on the frontiers of plasma physics and technology, Bangalore, India, December 9-14, (2002), Abstracts, p.33

3. Elena N. Aristova, Alexey B. Iskakov, Ivan G. Lebo, Vladimir F. Tishkin. 2D-Lagrandian code LATRANT for simulation radiation gas dynamic problems. // Proc. Of SPIE. ECLIM 2002: 27 European Conference on Laser Interaction with Matter. Memorial to Academician, Nobel Laureate N.G. Basov, 7-11 October 2002, Moscow, Russia. V. 5228, Pp.131-142, (2002)

4. Alexey B. Iskakov, Nikolai N. Demchenko, Ivan G. Lebo, Vladislav B. Rozanov, Vladimir F. Tishkin. 2D Lagrangian code 'ATLANT-HE' for simulation of laser-plasma interaction with allowance for hot electron generation and transport. // Proc. Of SPIE. ECLIM 2002: 27 European Conference on Laser Interaction with Matter. Memorial to Academician, Nobel Laureate N.G. Basov, 7-11 October 2002, Moscow, Russia. V. 5228, Pp.143-150, (2002)

5. Vladimir D. Zvorykin, V.G. Bakaev, A.B. Iskakov, I.G. Lebo, G.V. Sychugov, V.F. Tishkin. GARPUN KrF-laser-target experiments and numerical simulations on the concept of laser-driven shock tube. // Proc. Of SPIE. ECLIM 2002: 27 European Conference on Laser Interaction with Matter. Memorial to Academician, Nobel Laureate N.G. Basov, 7-11 October 2002, Moscow, Russia. V. 5228, Pp.151-156, (2002)

6. Ivan G. Lebo et al. Numerical modeling of laser target experiments at 'GARPUN' and 'PICO' installations. // Proc. Of SPIE. ECLIM 2002: 27 European Conference on Laser Interaction with Matter. Memorial to Academician, Nobel Laureate N.G. Basov, 7-11 October 2002, Moscow, Russia. V. 5228, Pp.157-163, (2002)

7. J. Limpouch, A.B. Iskakov, K. Masek, K. Rohlena, I.G. Lebo, V.F. Tishkin. Transverse structures in corona of nonuniformly irradiated solid targets. // Laser and Particle Beams, 20, 93-99, (2002)

2003 год.

1. С.М. Гарина, Н.В. Змитренко, М.Е. Ладонкина, И.Г. Лебо, В.В. Никишин, Н.Г. Проничева, В.Б. Розанов, В.Ф. Тишкин. Численное моделирование и анализ характеристик турбулентного перемешивания с помощью трехмерного кода NUT. // Математическое моделирование. Т.15, ?5б 3-11б (2003)

2. К.А. Воротилов, В.Д. Зворыкин, И.Г. Лебо, А.С. Сигов. Лазерный отжиг тонкопленочных сегнетоэлектрических гетероструктур. // Материалы Международной научно-технической конференции Полиматериалы - 2003 (25-29 ноября 2003 г,, Москва), Часть 2, 47-50, (2003)