X-ray Diffractometers DRON-2.0, Dron-3.0 and Double-Crystal Spectrometer DTS-1
Diffractometers DRON–2.0, DRON–3.0 and double-crystal spectrometer DTS–1 are adjusted for operation with Cu line (l=1.54056 Å), each of 2kW power.
Types of measurements and studied objects
- X-ray diffraction studies with single crystals and films of HTS materials. Phase analysis of a charge and single crystals grown from it. Lattice spacing determination for a middle lattice and modulated superlattice in a Bi2+xSr2-xCuO6+d и Bi2Sr2-xLaxCuO6+d single crystals. Determination of tetragonal lattice distortions for epitaxial films during their growth on various substrates.
- X-ray diffraction studies of epitaxial films and semiconducting quantum wells, grown on disoriented substrates.
- Rocking curves measurements for evaluation f structural imperfections of epitaxial layers and wells.
Aim of studies and results obtained.
1) X-ray diffraction studies of HTS materials. Finding of correlations between structural and superconducting properties of high quality single crystals of HTS materials. Comparative studies of carefully selected pairs of crystals with the same carrier densities, but with various configurations of defects enables to disentangle contributions to pairing mechanism from electron-phonon interaction and Coulomb interaction between defects in the «charge reservoir» and holes in CuO2 layers generated by these defects.
2) X-ray diffraction studies of epitaxial films and semiconducting quantum wells. In these structures, incommensurate on lattice spacing due to different Yung modulus in [100] and [111] directions, one can observe beside tetragonal lattice deformation of layers and well also monoclinic deformation of their lattices. The latter can be not only observed but also used for analysis of inhomogeneity of thin layers and quantum wells.
Дифрактометр рентгеновский ДРОН-2.0