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Избранные публикации по указанным темам с участием сотрудников сектора
- A.V. Shutov, I.V. Smetanin, A.A. Ionin, A.O. Levchenko, L.V. Seleznev, D.V. Sinitsyn, N.N. Ustinovskii, and V.D. Zvorykin, Direct measurement of the characteristic three-body electron attachment time in the atmospheric air in direct current electric field // Appl. Phys. Lett., 103, 034106 (2013).
Abstract: We report the results of theoretical and experimental study of the characteristic time for three-body attachment of electrons produced by 100 fs UV laser pulse in the atmosphere air in the external DC electric field ranged from 0.2 to 10 kV/cm
- P. P.Vasil’ev, A.B. Sergeev, I.V. Smetanin, T. Weig, U.T. Schwarz, L. Sulmoni, J. Dorsaz, J.-M. Lamy, J.-F. Carlin, N. Grandjean, X. Zeng, T. Stadelmann, S. Grossmann, A.C. Hoogerwerf, and D.L. Boiko, Mode locking in monolithic two-section InGaN blue-violet semiconductor lasers // Appl. Phys. Lett., 102, 121115 (2013).
Abstract: Passive mode-locked pulses with repetition frequencies in the range 40 to 90 GHz were observed in blue-violet GaN-based quantum-well lasers without external cavities. The lasers had two-section geometry with built-in saturable absorber section. The individual pulses had durations as short as 3–5 ps at peak powers of around 320 mW.
- I. V. Smetanin, P.P. Vasil’ev Enhanced longitudinal mode spacing in blue-violet InGaN semiconductor lasers // Appl. Phys. Lett., 100, 041113 (2012).
Abstract: An explanation of observed enhanced longitudinal mode spacing in InGaN semiconductor lasers has been proposed. It has been demonstrated that e-h plasma oscillations, which can exist in the laser active layer at certain driving conditions, are responsible for mode clustering effect. The resonant excitation of the plasma oscillations occurs due to longitudinal mode beating. The separation of mode clusters is typically by an order of magnitude larger that the individual mode spacing.
- I. V. Smetanin, P.P. Vasil’ev, D.L. Boiko, Theory of the ultrafast mode-lockedGaN lasers in a large-signal regime // OPTICS EXPRESS, vol.19, No18, 17114 , 29 August 2011
Abstract: Analytical theory of the high-power passively mode-locked laser with a slow absorber is developed. In distinguishing from previous treatment, our model is valid at pulse energies well exceeding the saturation energy of absorber. This is achieved by solving the mode-locking master equation in the pulse energy-domain representation. The performances of monolithic sub-picosecond blue-violet GaN mode-locked diode laser in the high-power operation regime are analyzed using the developed approach.
- A.I. Erokhin, I.V. Smetanin, Self-phase modulation in high-power stimulated Brillouin compression // Appl. Phys. Lett., vol. 98, 081115 (2011)
Abstract: The spectrum of the stimulated Brillouin-compressed subnanosecond laser radiation is studied experimentally in a wide range of pump intensities up to the eightfold threshold value. It is foundthat at intensities increasing four times the threshold, the spectrum splits and acquires a two-humped shape, which is explained by the phase modulation near the Brillouin resonance. Analytical model of self-phase modulation in stimulated Brillouin compression is developed, which describes the observed spectral splitting and formation of the frequency chirp.
- A.A. Ionin, S.I. Kudryashov, A.O. Levchenko, L.V. Seleznev, A.V. Shutov, D.V. Sinitsyn, I.V. Smetanin, N.N. Ustinovsky, V.D. Zvorykin, Triggering and guiding electric discharge by a train of UV picosecond pulses combined with a long UV pulse // Appl. Phys. Lett., 100, 104105 (2012).
Abstract: Non-self-sustained electric discharge and electric breakdown were triggered and guided by a train of picosecond ultraviolet (UV) pulses overlapped with a long free-running UV pulse of a hybrid Ti:Sapphire-KrF laser facility. Photocurrent sustained by this train is two orders of magnitude higher, and electric breakdown distance is twice longer than those for the discharge triggered by thelong UV pulse only
- V.D. Zvorykin, A.O. Levchenko, A.V. Shutov, E.V. Solomina, N.N. Ustinovsky, I.V. Smetanin, Long-Distance Directed Transfer of Microwaves in Tubular Sliding-Mode Plasma Waveguides Produced by KrF Laser in Atmospheric Air // Phys. of Plasmas, 19, 033509 (2012).
Abstract: A new regime of the sliding-mode propagation of microwave radiation in plasma waveguides in atmospheric air is studied both experimentally and theoretically. The mechanisms of air photoionization and relaxation under propagation of 25-ns pulses of KrF laser are investigated. It is shown that a tubular plasma waveguide of large radius (much larger than wavelength of the microwave signal) can be produced in the photoionization of air molecules by 248-nm radiation of KrF-laser. We experimentally demonstrate the laser-enhanced transfer of 38-GHz microwave signal to a distance of at least 60 m. The mechanism of the transfer is determined by total internal reflection of the signal on the optically less dense wall of the plasma waveguide. Analytical and numerical simulations performed for various waveguide radii and microwave radiation wavelengths show that the propagation length increases with decrease in the wavelength reaching a few kilometers for submillimeter waves. Medium-size KrF laser facility with about 400-J energy in a train of picosecond pulses is suggested for the directed transfer of microwave radiation to 1-km distance.
- I.V. Smetanin, Dissipative and non-dissipative solitons in the SRS- backscattering of laser radiation in underdense plasma / Laser-driven relativistic plasmas applied to science, energy, industry and medicine –The 3rd International symposium, / Eds. S. V. Bulanov, A. Yokoyama, Yu. I. Malakhov, Y. Watanabe., AIP Conf. Proceedings, vol. 1465, p. 107-112 (2012)
Abstract: The process of stimulated Raman backscattering of laser pulse in underdense plasma is considered self-consistently in 1D model. Solutions to this problem in the form of backward-propagating bright solitons (the Stokes scattered pulse and the plasma density wave) coupled with the dark soliton in the pump laser pulse are found. These solitary solutions exist both in the non-dissipative (non-collisional plasma) case and in the dissipative (collisional plasma) case.
- A.V. Кozlovskii, Mechanism for quantum noise suppression in a multimode laser // Journal of Physics: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics. 45, 025401 (2012)
Abstract: The mechanism for quantum noise suppression in a multimode laser with a homogeneously broadened line is explained. It is shown that the spontaneous emission noise and pump noise contribution to the photon number fluctuations inside the laser cavity may be suppressed infinitely (up to their complete elimination) when the number of modes participating in the generation is increased. Low-frequency spectral squeezing for an individual output field mode in optimal conditions tends to 100% as the total number of modes increases. The low-frequency spectral squeezing for the total output field may reach 50% below the shot noise level under optimal conditions. The noise suppression of the laser light is explained by the saturation effect of an atomic transition and inter-mode correlation. A multimode laser is an accessible source of light with potentially fully suppressed quantum noise.
- А.В. Козловский, Квантовые уравнения движения многомодовой генерации лазера с учётом пространственной зависимости взаимодействия атомов с полем // Теоретическая и математическая физика. 167(1), 96-110 (2011)
Аннотация: Получены уравнения движения для операторов электромагнитного поля для трехуровневого многомодового лазера с учетом пространственной зависимости взаимодействия атомов с полем стоячей волны в резонаторе. Проведены расчеты и анализ динамики средних значений чисел фотонов в модах поля и функции корреляции мод поля. Исследовано влияние межмодовых корреляций на динамику установления стационарной генерации лазера. Установлено, что учет пространственной зависимости взаимодействия атомов с полем и межмодовых корреляций при исследовании средних значений чисел фотонов приводит к выявлению новых свойств лазерной генерации таких, как насыщение интенсивности излучения лазера в одномодовом режиме и генерация коротких импульсов света боковых подпороговых мод с амплитудами, зависящими от начального состояния поля в резонаторе.
- В.А. Алексеев, Статистика мезоскопических ансамблей бозонов и фермионов // ЖЭТФ, 139, (6), 1066-1073, 2011.
Аннотация: Найдены равновесные функции распределения для ансамблей бозонов и фермионов с ограниченным числом частиц. Показано, что функции распределения чисел частиц в разных квантовых состояниях являются статистически зависимыми и только при большом числе частиц в ансамбле эта зависимость исчезает. При высокой температуре найденные распределения переходят в распределение Больцмана, а при большом числе частиц в ансамбле – в распределения Бозе-Эйнштейна иФерми-Дирака.
- И.Е. Проценко, Теория дипольного нанолазера // УФН. T.182. №10. С.6-12 (2012)
Аннотация: В статье теоретически исследуется когерентная генерация дипольного момента металлической наночастицы при возбуждении в ней локализованного плазмонного резонанса с помощью генератора (атома, квантовой точки и т.п.), в котором обеспечивается инверсная населенность электронных состояний. Генератор и наночастица взаимодействуют между собой через ближнее поле. Данная наноразмерная система – «дипольный» нанолазер (ДНЛ) – при выполнении пороговых условий излучает когерентное электромагнитное поле. Выводятся базовые и упрощенные уравнения ДНЛ, обсуждаются пороговые условия генерации, особенности ДНЛ, связанные с некогерентной генерацией дипольного момента, некоторые приборы на основе ДНЛ: широкополосные оптические модуляторы, высокоэффективные светоизлучающие устройства, а также возможные схемы ДНЛ и дальнейшие направления их теоретического исследования.
- И.Е. Проценко, А.В. Усков, Фотоэмиссия из металлических наночастиц // УФН. T.182. № 5. С. 6-543 (2012).
Аннотация: Подход А.М. Бродского и Ю.Я. Гуревича обобщается для фотоэмиссии из металлических наночастиц при возбуждении в них локализованного плазмонного резонанса (ЛПР). Получены аналитические выражения для сечения и амплитуды вероятности фотоэмиссии из наночастицы с учетом возбуждения в ней ЛПР, изменений электромагнитного поля и массы фотоэлектрона на границе металл – внешняя среда. Предсказано увеличение фототока из слоя наночастиц Au в кремний на два порядка по сравнению со сплошным слоем Au из-за возрастания поля при возбуждении ЛПР и существенной части поверхности наночастиц, не параллельной направлению поляризации падающего поля. Результаты могут быть использованы для повышения эффективности фотопреобразователей и фотоприемников, в том числе для уменьшения предельного времени фотоэффекта.
- A. Pors, A.V. Uskov, M. Willatzen, I.E. Protsenko, Control of the input efficiency of photons into solar cells with plasmonic nanoparticles // Optics Communications, 284. pp. 2222-2225 (2011).
Abstract: We study numerically the photon input efficiency of silicon solar cells due to gold plasmonic nanoparticles deposited on the cells. At low densities, when collective effects in light scattering by the nanoparticle ensemble are negligible, the absorption dependence increases linearly for a significant range of the solar spectrum. Collective effects lead to the input efficiency saturates, reaches its maximum and then decreases with nanoparticle density. The maximal input efficiency depends on the photon wavelength, nanoparticle shape and size, their distance to the cell, and the cell thickness, and can reach ~95% in thick solar cells. Finally, we show that aluminum nanoparticles improve the input efficiency in comparison with gold nanoparticles.
- A.V. Uskov, C. Meuer, H. Schmeckebier, and D. Bimberg, Auger Capture Induced Carrier Heating in Quantum Dot Lasers and Amplifiers // Applied Physics Express, 4(2), 022202-1-3 (2011).
Abstract: Carrier heating in quantum dot (QD) devices, which accompanies Auger capture of carriers from a carrier reservoir to discrete QD levels, is considered for the first time. Equations for carrier dynamics of QD structures are formulated and analyzed by taking into account the carrier heating. A numerical example shows that heating of carriers in a carrier reservoir of a QD structure can be much higher than that of bulk and quantum well devices. Auger capture carrier heating in QD devices can lead to a longer (more than a factor of 2 for the 90%-recovery time) relaxation time from a carrier reservoir to QDs.
- C. Gritti, A. Novitsky, R. Malureanu, A.V. Lavrinenko, A.V. Uskov and B. Kardynal, Absorption enhancement in metal nanoparticles for photoemission current for solar cells // Proc. SPIE 8438, 84380K (2012); http://dx.doi.org/10.1117/12.922445
Abstract: In order to improve the photoconversion efficiency, we consider the possibility of increasing the photocurrent in solar cells exploiting the electron photoemission from small metal nanoparticles into a semiconductor. The effect is caused by the absorption of photons and generation of local surface plasmons in the nanoparticles with optimized geometry. An electron photoemission from metal into semiconductor occurs if photon energy is larger than Schottky barrier at the metal-semiconductor interface. The photocurrent resulting from the absorption of photons with energy below the bandgap of the semiconductor added to the solar cell photocurrent can extend spectral response range of the device. We study the effect on a model system, which is a Schottky barrier n-GaAs solar cell, with an array of Au nanoparticles positioned at the interface between the semiconductor and the transparent top electrode. Based on the simulations, we chose to study disk-shaped Au nanoparticles with sizes ranging from 25nm to 50nm using electron beam lithography. Optical characterization of the fabricated devices shows the presence of LSP resonance around the wavelength of 1250nm, below the bandgap of GaAs.
- I. Protsenko and A. Uskov, Photoemission from Metal Nanoparticles / Chapter 8 in the book «Electromagnetic Radiation», ISBN 978-953-51-0639-5, / edited by Saad Osman Bashir, Publisher: InTech, 2012; http://www.intechopen.com/books/electromagnetic-radiation/photoemission-from-metal-nanoparticles
- A. Novitsky, A.V. Uskov, C. Gritti, I.E. Protsenko, B.E. Kardynał and A.V. Lavrinenko, Photon absorption and photocurrent in solar cells below semiconductor bandgap due to electron photoemission from plasmonic nanoantennas // PROGRESS IN PHOTOVOLTAICS: RESEARCH AND APPLICATIONS, DOI: 10.1002/pip.2278, 2012
Abstract: We model the electron photoemission from metal nanoparticles into a semiconductor in a Schottky diode with a conductive oxide electrode hosting the nanoparticles. We show that plasmonic effects in the nanoparticles lead to a substantial enhancement in photoemission compared with devices with continuous metal films. Optimally designed metal nanoparticles can provide an effective mechanism for the photon absorption in the infrared range below the semiconductor bandgap, resulting in the generation of a photocurrent in addition to the photocurrent from band-to-band absorption in a semiconductor. Such structure can form the basis of the development of plasmonic photoemission enhanced solar cells.
- M.T. Crowley, J. Houlihan, T. Piwonski, I. O'Driscoll, D.P. Williams, E.P. O'Reilly, A.V. Uskov, and G. Huyet, Refractive Index Dynamics of InAs/GaAs Quantum Dots // Applied Physics Letters, 103, 021114 (2013)
Abstract: The refractive index dynamics of an InAs/InGaAs/GaAs dots-in-a-well semiconductor optical amplifier is calculated and compared with experimental results. The fast and slow recovery timescales together with the behaviour with increasing injection are reproduced and explained in terms of the density of carriers available in upper quantum dot and continuum states. Also, a Coulomb-mediated shift of the dot susceptibility is suggested as responsible for the fast recovery of the phase.
- Р.Ш. Ихсанов, И.Е. Проценко, и А.В. Усков, Повышение эффективности органических солнечных элементов с помощью плазмонных наночастиц // Письма в ЖТФ, том 39, вып. 10 (26 мая), стр. 1-8, (2013).
Аннотация: С помощью численного моделирования показано, что при введении алюминиевых наночастиц в один из слоев органического солнечного элемента с объемным гетеропереходом происходит увеличение скорости генерации экситонов в активном слое элемента. Расчеты поглощения в солнечном элементе, проведенные в приближении эффективного показателя преломления по модели Максвелла−Гарнета, дают максимальную относительную величину увеличения скорости генерации экситонов 4 %.
- A.V. Uskov, I.E. Protsenko, N.A. Mortensen, and E.P. O’Reilly, Broadening of plasmonic resonance due to electron collisions with nanoparticle boundary: а quantum-mechanical consideration // Plasmonics, Sept. 2013, DOI: 10.1007/s11468-013-9611-1, http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs11468-013-9611-1
Abstract: We present a quantum mechanical approach to calculate broadening of plasmonic resonances in metallic nanostructures due to collisions of electrons with the surface of the structure. The approach is applicable if the characteristic size of the structure is much larger than the de Broglie electron wavelength in the metal. The approach can be used in studies of plasmonic properties of both single nanoparticles and arrays of nanoparticles. Energy conservation is insured by a self-consistent solution of Maxwell's equations and our model for the photon absorption at the metal boundaries. Consequences of the model are illustrated for the case of spheroid nanoparticles, and results are in good agreement with earlier theories. In particular, we show that the boundary-collision broadening of the plasmonic resonance in spheroid nanoparticles can depend strongly on the polarization of the impinging light.
- I. Protsenko, Linewidth of Dipole Nanolaser / 4th International Topical Meeting on Nanophotonics and Metamaterials, 3-6 January 2013, Seefeld, Austria (2013)
Abstract: Dipole nanolaser, DNL [PRA73, 069902 (2005)] linewidth Gd is found following [PRA59, 1667 (1999)]. Gd is reduced below the localized plasmon resonance linewidth Gl of metal nanoparticle in DNL at high pump rate Gp>Gl.
- I.Е. Protsenko, Quantum theory of dipole nanolaser // Journal of Russian Laser Research, Volume 33, Number 6, November, 559 – 577 (2012)
Abstract: We generalize the semiclassical model of the dipole nanolaser (DNL) based on the Heisenberg-Langevin approach, taking into account spontaneous emission of plasmons into the generation mode, nonlinearity of generation, and noises. We find a thresholdless smooth transition from the spontaneous emission to the stimulated emission and the threshold conditions for such a transition and determine the spectrum of generation and its linewidth. We show that, in spite of the very low quality of the DNL generation mode, the linewidth of a DNL with many M ∼ 104 − 105 emitters decreases, with the pump increase, to quite small values ∼ 10−2 of the width 2Γ2 of the lasing transition at modest pump rates, about 30 times larger than the decay rate of the emitter upper lasing state. This fact confirms the practical possibilities of realizing DNLs with narrow-line stimulated emission. Otherwise, the linewidth of DNLs with small M ∼ 1 number of emitters is larger than 2Γ2 and increases with the pump rate. In addition our results on DNLs can be applied to other lasers, such as nanolasers, microlasers, and LEDs for lighting, also with a low-quality cavity and strong spontaneous emission into the generation mode.