• We have developed and fabricated a low-voltage bistable phase polarization light modulator, achromatic within the entire visible range, computer-controlled (2:5 V), switched over in 0.3 ms (at 5 V) and capable of retaining without temporal restrictions any of the two optical states with an optical contrast of no less than 200:1. There are no analogs of this modulator in the world.
  • Based on the physical principles and technological techniques developed jointly with German and Japanese colleagues, we have created liquid-crystalline ferroelectrics and low-voltage electro-optical cells on their basis for light modulators and active-matrix displays, which provide for continuous physical gray scale. In these cells, at an amplitude of control- voltage rectangular pulses of +(2–9) V, we have first demonstrated modulation of light with a frequency of 20 kHz and five levels (bits) of gray, and have achieved the frame rate of 1 kHz, which is 20 times as high as this parameter in the analogs.
  • Jointly with the Moscow Engineering Physics Institute, we have proposed and developed a version of a three-dimensional display with the volume screen, based on a multilayer fast-response liquid-crystalline medium and light scattering in it. An experimental mock-up of the display has been developed and its real-time operation demonstrated with the alternative addressing to five layers by simultaneously electric voltage and a light pattern formed by a two-dimensional laser deflector and representing the cross-section of the imaged three-dimensional object. The achieved scattering on/off time of 150 microseconds makes it possible to increase the number of layers and object-observation depth up to 100 as compared with 20 in the analogs.
  • We proposed a new approach to the synthesis of similarity measures for solving the discrimination of complex indistinct noisy signals and spectra. It is based on the integration of the theory of signal filtration and the theory of statistical solutions, and is the further development and application of the maximum plausibility method in the statistical theory of solutions and the method of phase-portrait statistics developed at the LPI jointly with Moscow State Technological Academy. The method of similarity measures synthesis has been substantiated by linear filtration of images, nonlinear filtration and introduction of connectivity matrices. This approach made it possible to synthesize a new class of correlation similarity measures with a high selectivity of signal and spectrum discrimination against the background of nonstationary noise. It can be used in target location for detection and recognition of objects, in spectroscopy for discrimination of indistinct spectra etc.
  • We have first developed the methods and basic devices of hardware-distributed parallel optoelectronic systems for multiparameter fuzzy control of technical objects. The architecture of component fuzzy controllers has been proposed; microcontroller devices for their “self-training” and controlling parallel circuits have been developed; programs have been worked out and an experimental module for adjusting the controllers has been assembled. This opens a possibility for creating an intellectual new-generation system enabling, by means of a uniform method, construction of a standalone complex robot as a “team” of interacting subsystems and creation of a team of interacting robotic agents imitating the actions of a group of people.